What do I need to enroll in Gala Driving school?

The minimum age to obtain a B licence is 18 years-old. However, the theoretical lessons can be started sooner and sit the exam when you are 17 years and 9 months-old. There are 2 exams to pass in order to obtain a car licence:


  • Theoretical exam
  • Driving exam

What are the requirements to sit an exam?

Undergo a medical test certifying that you have the physical abilities required to drive a car. If your nationality is not Spanish, you need to prove 6 months Spanish residency before applying for an exam (NIE issue date, University certificate or census)

Which costs are associated with applying for a driving exam?

The charges are:

  • Admin fee: processing your file in Traffic HQ so you can sit an exam.
  • Driving exam: usage of the vehicle during the driving test.

Remember that if you have NO attempts available (taxes allow 3 calls but only 2 fails), you would have to pay the taxes again since this is what enables you to sit an exam. This DGT tax is 92.20€

Theoretical intensive courses for car licence

How to sign up in a free intensive course?

You can sign up in any of our offices (check “ Sucursales” tab). The courses are free of charge for all students with an English package. There are 38 Gala offices all over Madrid; the ones with English speaking staff are located in: Avenida de America, 6 and Puerta del Sol (inside metro station).

How often are these courses held?

We have evening courses, 20 hours duration extended during 5 days (Monday to Friday, 17-21h). You can check timetables and location in our website.